New Link
It's just about a year old, but I just found this
It includes a transcript and a RealAudio
recording. About 25 minutes into it, you'll find this excerpt:
Cool, huh?
Magazine News
The February issue of New Woman has a small picture of
Jacqueline with Vincent Perez (so it must be 7 or 8 years old).
The article is about older women and younger men.
The September 23rd issue (#21/98)
of the German magazine Für Sie
has an article on the "Secrets of Ageless Women" ("Das Geheimnis
der Frauen Ohne Alter") which includes a tiny picture of Jacqueline.
New Movie Projects:
The Internet Movie Databse lists two new theatrical projects that
Jacqueline is involved in. "Let the Devil Wear Black" is said to be
in post-production. I could not find anything about on the Trimark
Studio website. It is a modern retelling of "Hamlet" (the title is
a quotation from that play). Update:
Trimark is showing "Let the Devil Wear Black" at the big "AFM"
(American Film Market, I think) industry show, so we can hope
it will be released sometime later this year.
Joan of ArcUpdate
CBS has started promoting its "Joan of Arc" mini-series, to air this May.
According to the Internet Movie Database, Jacqueline plays Isabel D'Arc,
Joan's mother.
Still listed as in pre-production is "Joan of Arc: The Virgin Warrior".
I suspect this project is dead, as there is another theatrical movie
already filming about Joan of Arc.
Also new on the IMDb web page is another TV movie with Jacqueline listed:
"Witch Hunt". Stay tuned.
Dangerous Beauty
"Dangerous Beauty" was released on videotape in September, and has
now also been released on laser disc and DVD.
The New Regency website
has some production notes and information. But you will need
a "shockwave" plug-in to see the "Dangerous Beauty" material.
It always has some obvious typos and misinformation in Jacqueline's
Intimate Portrait
The Lifetime network will likely rerun their 1 hour biography
of Jacqueline again. Watch your listings.
See the Miscellany page for
more information.